| Norbert "Boro" Schäfer
Bass & Lead - Vocal
- has been a singer ever since the sixties
- nice guy who has always stayed younger than he is, a true rock'n roll guy - just like Lemmy, maybe a little softer and with much healthier habits
- likes to smoke, owns more than one pipe, various kinds of tobacco and has a little hat fetish
| Alex Gleichauf
E-& Slide - Guitar & Backing Vocal
- German Blues Original, physical guy, reminds us of Harrison Ford in the 80ies
- favorite chord: a double AISm7, 5sept.9major-mollGIS-octave
- owns an oldschool landline phone, for him progress and technology have never left the 70ies
- Modest guy - fits in with the rest of us
| Alex Hitzel
Drums & no Backing - Vocal (for good reason)
- Playing approach: Loud, not technical. Don't worry - this is not anger!
- Youngster of the band
- charming guy, usually has a three day stubble - in his face
- special skills: can play "Travelin' Band" standing up as a Rumba version with just one hand while shooting straight single malt
- half German and half Spanish, kind of a handsome hombre
| Claudia "Sissi" Gronbach
Keyboard, Ac. - Guitar, Percussion & Backing Vocals
- a female band member
- a true lady mastering keys and acoustic strings, in charge of percussion
- unlike the rest of the band, she is always in tune
- the optical highlight of the band, lowers the band's average age
- always has an open ear for well dosed compliments. Always act like a Gentleman when talking to her
- in charge of stage drinks, band make-up, band fees and jokes about men
| Peter Hoffmann
E-& Ac.-Guitar & Backing Vocal
- prefers to be called Gandalf rather than Bruce Willis
- he has aged just on the outside. Born into the Beat generation, kinda like the Duracell bunny, restless and focused
- worships and collects everything that remotely looks like a vintage guitar
- in charge of vocal harmonies in the band, always struggling with C9, 5chord on the 11th fret
- he endorses hair spray, and he is funny. Sometimes.
| Axel "Saxel" Meier
Guest Musician / Saxophone
- very tall guy
- book a balcony ticket and you'll see
- can even play more instruments (guitar, mouth harp, nail file) even as a member of other bands
| Eike Lind
Sound Engineer
- underpaid but skilled technician. Hey, we need somebody to schlepp our gear in and out of the van
- thinks he knows what all knobs and buttons of a digi console do, we are trying hard to make him learn

- we always use him for our scape goat, even if it was not his fault